Definition and Techniques of Rapid Prototyping
- Rapid prototyping is the fabrication of scale models using CAD data.
- It utilizes 3D printing or additive layer manufacturing technology.
- The first methods for rapid prototyping were available in mid-1987.
- It is used for a wide range of applications and can produce production-quality parts.
- Online service bureaus have emerged due to the favorable economics of rapid prototyping.
- CAD data must represent a valid geometric model for rapid prototyping.
- CAD post-processors approximate CAD geometric forms with simplified mathematical forms.
- STL file format is commonly used for transferring solid geometric models.
- Geometric models are sliced into layers and scanned into lines for motion control trajectories.
- The layer-to-layer physical building process is mimicked in reverse.

Application Areas of Rapid Prototyping
- Rapid prototyping is commonly applied in software engineering.
- It is used in industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Financial Services, Product development, and Healthcare.
- Aerospace design and industrial teams rely on rapid prototyping for new methodologies.
- Rapid prototyping allows for accurate visualization of finished products.
- Industrial 3D printing enables the production of large-scale molds and spare parts.

History of Rapid Prototyping
- The Unix Circuit Design System (UCDS) automated the task of converting drawings for circuit board fabrication in the 1970s.
- The machine tool crisis in the 1980s led to the development of rapid prototyping systems.
- The National Science Foundation coordinated studies to inform strategic planners.
- Rapid prototyping technology has roots in topography and photosculpture practices.
- Charles Hull developed the first rapid prototyping process called stereolithography.

Evolution of Rapid Prototyping Technologies
- Solid Freeform Fabrication technologies are recognized as rapid prototyping, 3D printing, or additive manufacturing.
- Various researchers proposed polymerization, deposition, and sintering techniques for rapid prototyping.
- Hideo Kodama published the first account of a solid model fabricated using a photopolymer rapid prototyping system.
- Stratasys developed the first 3D rapid prototyping system using Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM).
- Sanders Prototype, Inc introduced the first desktop inkjet 3D Printer (3DP) for rapid prototyping.
- Invention of Modelmaker 6Pro in 1993
- Introduction of Modelmaker 2 in 1997
- Introduction of Z-Corp's MIT 3DP powder binding technology in 1995
- Early recognition of low resolution, low strength output's value in various applications
- Constant innovations to improve speed and mass production capabilities

Impact and Applications
- Use of RP for fully functional component production
- RP's impact on product performance evaluation using CAD/CAE
- RP's role in prototyping telematics services for connected cars
- The new age of rapid prototyping
- Industrial applications of 3D printers

Rapid prototyping (Wikipedia)

Rapid prototyping is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional computer aided design (CAD) data. Construction of the part or assembly is usually done using 3D printing or "additive layer manufacturing" technology.

A rapid prototyping machine using selective laser sintering (SLS)
3D model slicing

The first methods for rapid prototyping became available in mid 1987 and were used to produce models and prototype parts. Today, they are used for a wide range of applications and are used to manufacture production-quality parts in relatively small numbers if desired without the typical unfavorable short-run economics. This economy has encouraged online service bureaus. Historical surveys of RP technology start with discussions of simulacra production techniques used by 19th-century sculptors. Some modern sculptors use the progeny technology to produce exhibitions and various objects. The ability to reproduce designs from a dataset has given rise to issues of rights, as it is now possible to interpolate volumetric data from 2D images.

As with CNC subtractive methods, the computer-aided-design – computer-aided manufacturing CAD -CAM workflow in the traditional rapid prototyping process starts with the creation of geometric data, either as a 3D solid using a CAD workstation, or 2D slices using a scanning device. For rapid prototyping this data must represent a valid geometric model; namely, one whose boundary surfaces enclose a finite volume, contain no holes exposing the interior, and do not fold back on themselves. In other words, the object must have an "inside". The model is valid if for each point in 3D space the computer can determine uniquely whether that point lies inside, on, or outside the boundary surface of the model. CAD post-processors will approximate the application vendors' internal CAD geometric forms (e.g., B-splines) with a simplified mathematical form, which in turn is expressed in a specified data format which is a common feature in additive manufacturing: STL file format, a de facto standard for transferring solid geometric models to SFF machines.

To obtain the necessary motion control trajectories to drive the actual SFF, rapid prototyping, 3D printing or additive manufacturing mechanism, the prepared geometric model is typically sliced into layers, and the slices are scanned into lines (producing a "2D drawing" used to generate trajectory as in CNC's toolpath), mimicking in reverse the layer-to-layer physical building process.[citation needed]

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