Structure and Origin
- The tensor veli palatini muscle is thin and triangular in shape.
- It arises from the scaphoid fossa of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid anteriorly.
- It arises from the (medial aspect of the) spine of the sphenoid bone posteriorly.
- It arises from the anterolateral aspect of the membranous wall of the pharyngotympanic tube.
- Some muscle fibers may be continuous with those of the tensor tympani muscle.
- No personal pronouns.

- Converges to form a tendon of attachment.
- The tendon winds medially around the pterygoid hamulus.
- Inserts into the palatine aponeurosis.
- Inserts into the bony surface posterior to the palatine crest of the horizontal plate of palatine bone.
- No personal pronouns.

Dilator Tubae Component
- Some muscle fibers insert onto the lateral lamina of the cartilaginous part of pharyngotympanic tube.
- Some muscle fibers insert onto adjacent connective tissue.
- Some muscle fibers insert onto Ostmann's fat pad.
- No personal pronouns.

- Receives motor innervation from the mandibular nerve (CN V).
- Mandibular nerve is a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V).
- Innervated via the nerve to medial pterygoid.
- Not innervated by the pharyngeal plexus.
- Formed by the vagal and glossopharyngeal nerves.

No Identical Concepts Found

The tensor veli palatini muscle (tensor palati or tensor muscle of the velum palatinum) is a thin, triangular muscle of the head that tenses the soft palate and opens the Eustachian tube to equalise pressure in the middle ear.

Tensor veli palatini muscle
Dissection of the muscles of the palate from behind (tensor veli palatini visible at upper right).
The otic ganglion and its branches (tensor veli palatini visible at center left).
OriginMedial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone (scaphoid fossa)
InsertionPalatine aponeurosis
NerveMandibular nerve (V3)
ActionsTension of the soft palate
LatinMusculus tensor veli palatini
Anatomical terms of muscle
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