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Trigeminal Motor Nucleus
- Forms efferent pathway of jaw jerk reflex
- Lesion in trigeminal motor nucleus causes ipsilateral hemiparesis
- Located in the pons
- Part of the trigeminal nerve
- Important in motor control of the jaw muscles

Jaw Jerk Reflex
- Reflex involves axons that do not decussate
- Triggered by tapping the jaw
- Provides information about the integrity of the trigeminal motor nucleus
- Abnormal reflex may indicate a lesion in the trigeminal motor nucleus
- Important for assessing motor function in the jaw muscles

Cranial Nerve Nuclei
- Trigeminal motor nucleus is one of the cranial nerve nuclei
- Located in the brainstem
- Responsible for motor control of the jaw muscles
- Plays a role in various reflexes involving the trigeminal nerve
- Damage to cranial nerve nuclei can lead to motor deficits in the corresponding cranial nerves

Expansion of Neuroanatomy Article
- Neuroanatomy article on trigeminal motor nucleus is a stub
- Wikipedia encourages expansion of stub articles
- More information can be added about the function and clinical significance of the trigeminal motor nucleus
- Contributions from experts in the field are welcome
- Expanding the article can improve knowledge and understanding of neuroanatomy

- Brainstem Nuclei of the Cranial Nerves at wustl.edu
- Sinnatamby, Chummy S. (2011). Lasts Anatomy (12th ed.). p.478. ISBN978-0-7295-3752-0.
- Neuroanatomy article is a stub
- Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Trigeminal_motor_nucleus&oldid=1159254472
- Categories: Cranial nerve nuclei, Trigeminal nerve, Pons, Neuroanatomy stubs

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