- The trochlear nucleus is located in the midbrain, specifically in the caudal rostral region.
- It is positioned between the superior colliculus and inferior colliculus.
- The trochlear nucleus is situated near the midline of the brain.
- It is embedded within the medial longitudinal fasciculus.
- The trochlear nucleus is located below the nucleus of the oculomotor nerve.

Blood supply
- The trochlear nucleus receives arterial blood supply from the posterior cerebral artery, superior cerebellar artery, and basilar artery.
- Disruption of blood flow through these vessels can affect the blood supply to the trochlear nucleus.

Related structures
- The trochlear nerve is related to the trochlear nucleus.

Additional images
- Nuclei of origin of cranial motor nerves schematically represented; lateral view.
- Scheme showing central connections of the optic nerves and optic tracts.
- Brain stem sagittal section.

- Trochlear Definition of Trochlear by Oxford Dictionary on also meaning of Trochlear.
- Kim, Seung Y.; Motlagh, Mahsaw; Naqvi, Imama A. (2022), Neuroanatomy, Cranial Nerve 4 (Trochlear), StatPearls, Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, PMID30725929, retrieved 2023-01-03.
- Baxter, Donald; Olsewski, Jerzy (1982). Cytoarchitecture of the Human Brain Stem (2nd ed.). Basel: S. Karger. pp.50–51. ISBN3-8055-2210-X.
- This neuroanatomy article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
- Retrieved from

Trochlear nucleus (Wikipedia)

The nucleus of the trochlear nerve (/ˈtrɒklɪər/) is a motor nucleus in the medial midbrain giving rise to the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV).

Trochlear nucleus
Outline of the nucleus raphes dorsalis:
DRif interfascicular subnucleus,
DRv ventral subnucleus
DRvl ventrolateral subnucleus
DRd dorsal subnucleus
mlf medial longitudinal fasciculus
Aq cerebral aqueduct
IVn trochlear nucleus.
The cranial nerve nuclei schematically represented; dorsal view. Motor nuclei in red; sensory in blue. (Trochlear is "IV")
Latinnucleus nervi trochlearis
NeuroLex IDbirnlex_1488
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy
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