Younger's work in the field of periodontology
- Younger was a follower of John W. Riggs, the first American periodontist.
- In 1893, he considered periodontal disease an infection.
- He discussed the possibility of periodontal reattachment.
- Younger reported the first successful gingival graft in 1902.
- He described the use of a membrane for periodontal regeneration.

Younger's contributions to periodontology
- Younger's work advanced the understanding of periodontal disease.
- He pioneered the concept of periodontal reattachment.
- Younger's gingival graft surgery was considered a success.
- He introduced the use of a membrane for periodontal regeneration.
- His contributions influenced the field of periodontology.

Younger's professional practice
- Younger practiced in San Francisco, California.
- He had a successful career as a periodontist.
- Younger treated patients with periodontal disease.
- His practice focused on periodontal surgeries and treatments.
- He contributed to the development of periodontal techniques.

- Shklar, G; Carranza, FA: The Historical Background of Periodontology.
- Carranzas Clinical Periodontology, 9th Edition.
- Oral Surgery and Crown Lengthening. Retrieved April 17, 2014.
- American Dental Club of Paris: Meetings of December 1902 and January and March 1903.
- Dent Cosmos 1904; 46:39.

Other specialties
- Endodontology
- Orthodontology
- Prosthodontology
- Capnocytophaga sp.
- Dentistry stubs

W. J. Younger (Wikipedia)

William John Younger (1838-1920) was an American dentist who performed some of the earliest and most groundbreaking research in the field of periodontology.

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