Structure and Variation
- The zygomatic nerve is a branch of the maxillary nerve (CN V) that arises at the pterygopalatine ganglion.
- It exits from the pterygopalatine fossa through the inferior orbital fissure to enter the orbit.
- In the orbit, it travels anteriorly along its lateral wall.
- It divides into branches: zygomaticotemporal nerve, zygomaticofacial nerve, and a communicating branch to the lacrimal nerve.
- Variation: Sometimes, the zygomatic nerve does not branch within the orbit. Instead, it enters a single foramen in the zygomatic bone called the zygomatico-orbital foramen. In this case, it divides within the bone into the zygomaticotemporal nerve and the zygomaticofacial nerve.

- The terminal branches of the zygomatic nerve contain sensory axons, providing sensation to the skin over the temporal bone and the zygomatic bone.
- The zygomatic nerve also carries postganglionic parasympathetic axons from the pterygopalatine ganglion.
- These axons travel from the ganglion to the zygomatic nerve and then to the lacrimal nerve through a communicating branch, providing secretomotor supply to the lacrimal gland.

Clinical Significance
- The zygomatic nerve can be blocked indirectly by anesthetizing the maxillary nerve (CN V).
- Fractures to the zygomatic bone can damage the zygomatic nerve and its branches.

Additional Images
- The nerves of the scalp, face, and side of the neck.
- Branches of the trigeminal nerve. The zygomatic nerve is visible branching from the maxillary nerve and entering the orbit.

- The zygomatic nerve is a branch of the maxillary nerve that travels through the pterygopalatine fossa and inferior orbital fissure to enter the orbit.
- It divides into branches within the orbit and provides sensory innervation to the temporal and zygomatic bones.
- It also carries parasympathetic axons to the lacrimal gland.
- Clinical significance includes indirect blockage through the maxillary nerve and potential damage from zygomatic bone fractures.

Zygomatic nerve (Wikipedia)

The zygomatic nerve is a branch of the maxillary nerve (itself a branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V)). It arises in the pterygopalatine fossa and enters the orbit through the inferior orbital fissure before dividing into its two terminal branches: the zygomaticotemporal nerve and zygomaticofacial nerve.

Zygomatic nerve
Lateral view of the nerves of the orbit. The zygomatic nerve is visible at bottom centre branching from the maxillary nerve.
Frommaxillary nerve
Tozygomaticotemporal nerve

zygomaticofacial nerve

communicating branch to lacrimal nerve
Innervatesskin over temporal bone and zygomatic bone
Latinnervus zygomaticus
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

Through its branches, the zygomatic nerve provides sensory invervation to skin over the zygomatic bone and the temporal bone. It also carries post-ganglionic parasympathetic axons to the lacrimal gland.

It may be blocked by anaesthetising the maxillary nerve.

Zygomatic nerve (Wiktionary)



zygomatic nerve (plural zygomatic nerves)

  1. (neuroanatomy) A branch of the maxillary nerve that divides into a facial branch supplying the skin of the prominent part of the cheek and a temporal branch supplying the skin of the anterior temporal region.
    Meronyms: zygomaticofacial nerve, zygomaticotemporal nerve
    Coordinate term: infraorbital nerve
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