Definition and Location
- The mandibular incisive canal is a bony canal within the anterior portion of the mandible.
- It extends from the mental foramen to near the ipsilateral lateral incisor teeth.
- The canal is typically found within the middle third of the mandible.
- It is located in the apico-coronal dimension.
- The canal reaches the midline approximately 18% of the time.

- The incisive nerve represents an anterior continuation of the inferior alveolar nerve.
- It courses within the mandible in the mandibular incisive canal.
- The incisive nerve provides innervation to the mandibular first premolar, canine, and lateral and central incisors.
- It terminates as nerve endings within the anterior teeth or adjacent bone.
- In some cases, the incisive nerve may join nerve endings that enter through the lingual foramen.

Relationship to Mental Foramen
- The mandibular incisive canal continues anteriorly from the mandibular canal after the mental foramen.
- The mental nerve, a terminal branch of the inferior alveolar nerve, exits the mandible through the mental foramen.
- The incisive nerve, another terminal branch of the inferior alveolar nerve, represents the anterior continuation of the nerve within the mandibular incisive canal.
- The mental foramen is usually located along the course of the mandibular incisive canal.
- The incisive canal provides a pathway for the incisive nerve to reach the anterior teeth.

Variations and Anatomical Observations
- Anatomical variations of the mandibular incisive canal have been observed.
- Two-dimensional imaging techniques may be used to visualize the presence and course of the incisive canal.
- The incisive canal has been studied in relation to implant placement.
- Sewerin (2009) conducted a study on anatomical variations of the mandibular incisive canal.
- Greenstein et al. (2008) discussed the practical application of anatomy for dental implant surgeons.

Related Canals
- The mandibular incisive canal is distinct from the maxillary incisive canal.
- The maxillary incisive canal is located within the maxilla.
- Both canals play a role in innervating the anterior teeth.
- The mandibular incisive canal is found within the mandible, while the maxillary incisive canal is found within the maxilla.
- Sewerin (2009) and Mraiwa (citation needed) have provided insights into the presence and course of the incisive canal in the mandible.

The mandibular incisive canal is a bilaterally paired bony canal within the anterior portion of the mandible that extends from the mental foramen (usually) to near the ipsilateral lateral incisor teeth.

Mandibular incisive canal
The mandibular incisive canal (indicated here by coral green arrows) continuing anteriorly (to the right) from the mandibular canal (purple arrows) after the mental foramen (light green circle).
Latincanalis incisivus mandibulae
Anatomical terminology

The inferior alveolar nerve splits into its two terminal branches within the mandibular canal: the mental nerve (which exits the mandible through the mental foramen), and the incisive nerve which represents an anterior continuation of the inferior alveolar nerve and continues to course within the mandible in the mandibular incisive canal. The incisive nerve provides innervation to the mandibular first premolar, canine and lateral and central incisors. The incisive nerve either terminates as nerve endings within the anterior teeth or adjacent bone, or may join nerve endings that enter through the tiny lingual foramen.[citation needed]

The incisive canal is typically found within the middle third of the mandible in an apico-coronal dimension, reaching the midline 18% of the time.

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