- Mucoperiosteum is an anatomical structure found in the mouth.
- It can be affected by conditions like cleft lip and palate.
- The article on mucoperiosteum is a stub and can be expanded.
- The anatomy stub on mucoperiosteum can be improved with additional content.

Primary Cleft Lip and Palate
- Cleft lip and palate is a congenital defect affecting the mouth.
- Primary cleft lip and palate refers to the initial occurrence of the condition.
- The reference from 2008 provides information on primary cleft lip and palate.
- Primary cleft lip and palate can have significant impacts on speech and feeding.

Anatomy Stubs
- Anatomy stubs are articles on anatomical topics that are incomplete.
- The article on mucoperiosteum is considered an anatomy stub.
- Stub articles can be expanded by adding more information.
- Anatomy stubs may lack comprehensive details on the topic.

References and External Links
- The primary source for information on mucoperiosteum is a reference from 2008.
- The article on mucoperiosteum is a stub and can be expanded.
- The reference provides information on primary cleft lip and palate.
- The external link leads to additional information on mucoperiosteum.

- Categories: Mouth, Anatomy stubs
- Hidden categories: Articles with short description, Short description matches Wikidata, Articles using infobox templates with no data rows, All stub articles
- The anatomy article is a stub and can be expanded.
- The external link provides additional information on mucoperiosteum.

Mucoperiosteum (Wikipedia)

Mucoperiosteum is a compound structure consisting of mucous membrane and underlying periosteum. It includes epithelium and lamina propria, but attaches directly to the periosteum of underlying bone without the usual submucosa. It consists of loose fatty or glandular tissues; with blood vessels & nerve fibres that supply the mucosa.

Anatomical terminology

It can be found in the midline of the hard palate, the palatine raphe, among other places.

Mucoperiosteum (Wiktionary)



muco- +‎ periosteum



  1. (anatomy) A compound structure consisting of mucous membrane and periosteum.
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