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Structure and Development
- The mylohyoid muscle is flat and triangular.
- It is situated immediately superior to the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
- It is a pharyngeal muscle derived from the first pharyngeal arch.
- The mylohyoid muscles form a muscular floor for the oral cavity.
- The two mylohyoid muscles arise from the mandible at the mylohyoid line.
- The mylohyoid muscles are derived from embryonic mesoderm, specifically the first pharyngeal arch.

Nerve Supply
- The mylohyoid muscle is supplied by a branch of the mandibular nerve, the inferior alveolar nerve.
- The mylohyoid nerve is a branch of the inferior alveolar nerve.
- The mylohyoid nerve provides motor supply to the mylohyoid muscle.

- The mylohyoid muscle may be united to or replaced by the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
- Accessory slips to other hyoid muscles are frequent.
- The median raphe between the two mylohyoid muscles may be absent.
- Accessory mylohyoid muscles with the same attachments, nerve supply, and function can be present.
- The mylohyoid muscle may be split into an anterior and posterior portion.

- The mylohyoid muscle elevates the hyoid bone and the tongue.
- It is important during swallowing and speaking.
- It can depress the mandible if other muscles keep the position of the hyoid bone fixed.
- It reinforces the floor of the mouth.


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