Signs and Symptoms of Dehiscence
- Bleeding
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Fever
- Spontaneous opening of the wound

Causes of Dehiscence
- Sub-acute infection resulting from inadequate aseptic technique
- Breakdown of coated sutures in the presence of bacteria
- Inadequate undermining of the wound during surgery
- Excessive tension on the wound edges
- Wounds located in highly mobile or high-tension areas

Risk Factors for Dehiscence
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Previous scarring
- Surgical errors
- Chronic use of corticosteroids
- Increased abdominal pressure
- Use of nicotine in any form

Prevention of Dehiscence
- Adequate tissue undermining to reduce stress on wound edges
- Avoiding heavy lifting
- Speeding healing through adequate nutrition
- Controlling diabetes
- Avoiding certain medications such as corticosteroids
- Use of sterile strips to cover skin sutures

Treatment of Dehiscence
- Allowing granulation
- Re-cutting and suturing the edges
- Providing prophylactic antibiotics
- Exposure to air
- Debridement
- Frequent dressing changes

Wound dehiscence (Wikipedia)

Wound dehiscence is a surgical complication in which a wound ruptures along a surgical incision. Risk factors include age, collagen disorder such as Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, diabetes, obesity, poor knotting or grabbing of stitches, and trauma to the wound after surgery.

Wound dehiscence following an inguinal hernia repair.
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