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Uses of Zinc Oxide Eugenol in Dentistry
- Dental filling material or dental cement in dentistry
- Used when decay is deep or close to the nerve or pulp chamber
- Effective for reducing acute pain in dry socket as a complication of tooth extraction
- Temporary sedation of the pulp prior to the placement of the final filling
- Intermediate restorative material with anaesthetic and antibacterial properties

Types of Zinc Oxide Eugenol
- Different formulations designed for specific purposes in dentistry
- ANSI/ADA Specification no:30 (ISO 3107) provides guidelines
- Various types available based on intended use and individual formulation

Composition of Zinc Oxide Eugenol
- Chemical composition typically includes zinc oxide, white (bleached) rosin, zinc acetate, zinc stearate, and liquid (eugenol, olive oil)
- Eugenol can be substituted with clove oil for reduced patient discomfort
- Rosin added to improve reaction speed and product quality
- Canada balsam and Balsam of Peru used to enhance flow and mixing properties
- Fillers or inert powders may be added to adjust consistency if needed

Other Uses of Zinc Oxide Eugenol
- Antimicrobial additive in paint
- Impression material for construction of complete dentures
- Used in mucostatic technique of taking impressions for dentures
- Not recommended for patients with large undercuts or tuberosities
- Can be used as a temporary filling material for dental caries

References for Zinc Oxide Eugenol
- Materials in Dentistry: Principles and Applications by Jack L. Ferracane
- Introduction to Dental Materials by Richard van Noort
- Systemic review of dry socket: etiology, treatment, and prevention (Tarakji et al.)
- Cytotoxicity and anti-inflammatory effects of zinc ions and eugenol during setting of ZOE in oral keratinocytes (Lee et al.)
- Histological analysis of rat dental pulp tissue capped with propolis (Sabir et al.)

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