

Please find information and updates about London Dental Specialists here plus our patient stories. Hopefully you can read about others who experienced care with our team that will give you the confidence to seek treatment with us. We welcome feedback about our stories too so please comment.

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Disinfection and Decontamination of Dental Instruments at London Dental Specialists

London Dental Specialists prioritises patient safety through rigorous instrument sterilisation practices. Our state-of-the-art decontamination procedures…

ByByOpe SodeindeNov 11, 2024
Here's how composite bonding could transform your smile

Happy June everyone, and welcome to this month’s newsletter! The weather is starting to warm…

Straight Teeth And Healthy Bite

Did you know that your teeth are constantly moving throughout your life? Our teeth have…

Tooth Wear | Dental Erosion & Attrition

Unfortunately, unlike rats and rabbits, our teeth don’t grow back! Once tooth substance is gone,…

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